
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

5 week update!

Newborn rash! Yep, thats what is all over my dear child's face and neck. Poor thing! Apparently it appears between weeks 4-6 and last till 3 months. We were told to change over to Aveeno products to bath her with and got some hydrocortisone cream for her lil face. The dr things she is prone to develop allergies and skin irritations since she is red headed with blue eyes! Very fair skin! They also weighed her today....10lbs!!! I must say she looked like such a big girl sitting in that scale today! Last time at 2 weeks she slid down the lil scale seat, this time she stayed sitting up all by herself in it! She is getting so big!
We are slowly starting to get used to things around here! Mom left last week and since then we are trying to plan the days out so we get things done around the house while Z naps. Craig's mom will be here next week! Zoey can't wait to meet her other Grandma!
I tried working out today! Ha! I made it 1/2 way thru a 25 min video I found on TV! It was mostly all lunging and squats and it literally killed me! Must keep trying! Must lose weight!
Alright Z is making noises so I must go! Have a good day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Glad Zoey is doing well! I need to meet her soon!! Jack had the "baby rash" on his face. I started using Eucerin and it went away the next day. I used Aveeno when he was first born, but it irritated his skin. Every baby is different though, so hopefully it'll clear Zoey up!
